金大兔子:连叔是营救专家当之无愧不过这回看他真的老了打斗很少了 2.很不喜欢这种黑暗的画面看起来很不清楚 3.前面太拖沓后面15分钟才是营救系列应该有的节奏 4.那个神秘的乔安娜本来消失了就让她继续神秘下去不好吗从那个女人的角度也没有必要再暴露 5.大家纷纷说自己将就是普林那段平民百姓为了正义挺身而出电视剧致命邂逅还是令人敬佩和欣慰 6.下一部应该是在船上了吧
东山淳一:每一个孤胆英雄背后都有个拖油瓶然而Saul 家的却是搅屎棍
木匆tina: If you are a dick and can still get laid so easy then you gotta be a GOOD dick. You and your roommate must be dreaming of this. No penny, no sense of humor, not cool, not cute and certainly not sexy, but still have just the right girl out there waiting to arouse you. I guess a dick can be GOOD enough to work everything out.